Folic Acid for Hair Growth
How do you use folic acid for hair growth? Does it help? Does it work? What is the right dosage to make hair grow long and thick? Here are before and after pictures, reviews and results of using folic acid to help hair grow fast.
Does folic acid help hair growth?
A possible symptom of folic acid deficiency is the hair loss, but this is not normally experienced in isolation. Before you notice that the hair is falling out, you might be having several have other symptoms like the chronic diarrhea, tongue swelling or even the anemia.

- If you see that the hair is thinning, then you can try the folic acid for hair growth, or even the natural hair supplements.
- Just like the body requires the nourishment so as to stay healthy, the hair also requires some nutrients so as to maintain a healthy growth cycle.
- These particular nutrients reach the scalp and hair follicles through eating a well-balanced and healthy diet.
Talking of healthy hair growth, we cannot be able to ignore the importance of folic acid, which is normally a water-soluble B vitamin. As all other vitamins, it does not in any way promote hair growth on its own, but only in conjunction with other B vitamins. It is not only good for hair, but also assists in the formation of the red blood cells and also maintaining of a healthy body.
Folic acid is a synthetic version of folate, which is a B vitamin. Women require a lot of folic acid; it’s vital in the development of the fetus. Folic acid is also important for healthy hair growth, but it’s better indicated for its ability to assist in prevention of the spinal and also the neurological birth defects.
If a person would like the hair to grow longer or even at a faster rate, talk with the physician about the current diet before to taking of any supplements.
Prevent hair loss with folic acid
Taking a folic acid supplement will prevent the hair loss if you are suffering from a folic acid deficiency. If you are not sure, then you must consult the doctor, who will assist you to know your symptoms.
The reality is that most of the people are able to get enough amount of folic acid for hair growth from eating of the foods that have it in abundance.
Eggs, citrus fruits, dark leafy green vegetables, and also some of the grains or even the breakfast cereals either naturally have folic acid or even have been fortified with it.
If you are unable to eat any of the foods in the normal diet, then the doctor might recommend the use of a supplement. This will not be able to harm the body’s natural hair growth cycle, but is not enough to nourish the hair from within.
Folic acid is a very much popular ingredient that is used in prenatal vitamin supplements, and for good reason. Ensuring that the body contains an abundant supply of the folic acid during the pregnancy period can assist to protect the unborn fetus from some of the birth defects which are able to affect the spine or even the brain. This is the main reason as to why most of the prenatal vitamins have folic acid, while most of the reputable hair loss vitamins do not.
Prenatal vitamins have a reputation as being very much effective for promotion of the hair growth. But, there is very little or no evidence to support the claim, and scientists say that any benefit is because of the shared ingredients with hair vitamins.
Also, the association between folic acid supplements and also the hair growth might have come about as thick hair growth is a natural side effect of the hormonal changes that occurs during pregnancy. Pregnant women normally take prenatal vitamins during this particular time, causing the misperception that the supplements, and not the natural surges that are in pregnancy hormones, are the main cause of the hair growth.
Viviscal Extra Strength is specially designed specifically for the hair growth, having a blend of B vitamins like the biotin and also the niacin, also an exclusive marine complex as well as iron, vitamin C and zinc. Viviscal is purely drug free, and gives an effortless but much targeted way to promote hair growth from within.
Since folic acid assists the cells work and the tissues grow, it assists the hair growth if you’re receiving enough amount of folic acid on a very regular basis. A study that was performed by Ontario Veterinary College, states that the folic acid is very much effective in treatment of the alopecia, or even the hair loss. The college administered a folic acid supplement therapy to a calf daily in doses of 2 mg/kg/day. The results was slow disappearance of crusting as well as the patches within a period of just 2 weeks and thus a steady recovery of the natural hair growth within a period of three months.
Folic acid for hair growth works in very many ways so as to stimulate the hair growth. It assists to build healthy red blood cells, and also the healthy red blood cells are able to carry the nutrients and also the oxygen to scalp. Folic acid also assists to renew the cells that lead to the hair growth. A deficiency of acid in the diet can lead to premature graying and also baldness. Adding folic acid into the diet slows the progress of the conditions.
Folic acid supplements when they are taken on a daily basis, are able to stimulate an increased hair growth, but the consumers must not take more than the amount that is recommended on the label. Folic acid supplements when they are taken along with biotin give maximum effectiveness, as the folic acid assists the body to better utilize the biotin to build healthy hair. Those people who prefer to get the nutrients from foods rather than supplements are able to increase intake of spinach, asparagus, avocado and also the mushrooms, all of which are very rich in folic acid.
There are several regular food items which are high in folic acid. Some of the food items are the cooked dried beans, lentils, asparagus, romaine lettuce, broccoli, corn, tomato juice, vegetable juice cocktail, Brussels sprouts, canned pineapple juice, melon, hemp, honeydew, potato, canned grapefruit juice, bananas, lean meat, strawberries, whole wheat flour, enriched grain pasta, whole grain breads, peanut butter, milk, soya items and nut products more especially the walnuts. Including the food items in the diet can surely make the hair grow faster.
How much folic acid to take for hair growth
The recommended daily allowance of the folic acid for hair growth for the adults over the age of 19 is normally 400 micrograms daily. It may be not more than 1,000 micrograms per day for both the men as well as the women. Those women who are pregnant, are planning to conceive, or even lactating should include about 800 micrograms of the folic acid in their diet daily.
- It is vital to keep a track of the amount of the folic acid that you are taking as both less and more than the needed amount can be harmful.
- When you are taking folic acid more than the needed amount it might affect the absorption capacity of antibiotic tetracycline, thus reducing its effectiveness.
- Excess amount of the folic acid might also lead to the hair fall and other health related problems.
This vitamin may be taken as a supplement or even naturally by including the several foods enriched with folic acid. Food products like the green, leafy vegetables, nuts and cereal products are good source of the folic acid. But if you want to take a supplement it is thus advisable to consult the doctor before taking one.
How to use folic acid to grow hair long, fast

Folic Acid for hair growth is normally found naturally in the body as a water-soluble vitamin known as Folate. Also known as Vitamin B9, it is one of the several B vitamins vital to regrowth and also loss prevention. Folate is a very essential player in repair, synthesis, as well as use of DNA.
Without this vital vitamin, the red blood cells can lose their form and might not be able to carry enough amount of oxygen. A deficiency of the amount of Vitamin B9 causes the anemia.
Maintaining a balanced diet and also drinking plenty of water is the safest, healthiest way that can used to combat hair loss. But, relying on a great diet can be able to give you dramatic results. Another method that is used to promote hair growth without dealing with the chemical shampoos is by use of supplements.
How Does Folic Acid Promote Hair Growth?
- Folic acid for hair growth plays a very important role in growth of cells as well as tissues of all types. Not just the hair cells, but also all the cells that are within the nails, skin and also internal organs. Folic acid is needed for division as well as regeneration of cells that are very much responsible for hair growth.
- Folic acid works together with other vitamins, which includes vitamin B12 (biotin) and vitamin C so to help the body in synthesis, breakdown as well as metabolism of proteins. Hair is normally composed of protein.
- When folic acid is metabolized by liver it becomes the folate and several vital cellular pathways need the use of folate, as it is normally a source of 1-carbon. Folate when it is in this form is needed for several methylation processes that occurs in the body which includes the manufacture and also maintenance of RNA, DNA and also the proteins; the building blocks within hair tissue.
- Folic acid for hair growth is vital for a healthy circulation of the blood as it is used in formation of the red blood cells. When the folic acid is at an enough level, the blood cells are formed and thus can transport the needed amount of nutrient and also the oxygen-rich blood to the scalp, which is then used within the critical processes of the cell that improve the quantity as well as the quality of hair growth.
Folic acid hair growth reviews
Nowadays, there are several information that is available on hair loss vitamins, thus very much difficult to determine what is fact or fiction.
Determining results may be tricky due to the reports being conflicting. Aside from the fact that the success or failure while use of Folic acid may also depend much on an individual’s current health and also their dedication to taking the supplement as required.
There is some amount of trial and error which goes into trying several supplements so as to see what does or does not work for a person.
What works for an individual might not for another person but the Folic acid has had very good results for most of the hair loss sufferers and thus learning more about it is a very good first step.
Folic acid for hair growth is very much important to development of the infants and also the fetuses.
Adults rarely indicates a deficiency in the folic acid as it is stored in a considerable amount in the body. Still, where it presents, then folic acid deficiency causes very serious health complications.
Milder symptoms of the folic acid deficiency includes the diarrhea, headaches, irregular heartbeats as well as the swollen tongue.
More serious indications of deficiency are fetal defects and also other complications that occurs during pregnancy, nerve damage, mental confusion and depression.
Vitamins and also the minerals might never make you a superhuman having super long hair if all the levels of the nutrients are only in the optimal range. This is the reason as to why the vitamins as well as the minerals won’t be the answer in all the cases of people with hair loss.
But, if you have a deficiency, increasing of the levels of the nutrient may be of immense assistance. Each vitamin as well as the mineral has some symptoms that can appear in the body when there’s a deficiency. Hair loss is one of the symptoms for many nutrient deficiencies. Specifically, there are some vitamins and also the minerals that are related to the growth and also the maturation of the hair follicles, folic acid is one of them.
The most scientific answer to if folic acid help hair growth, involves citing actual studies that are on the topic. The best design of the studies would indicate that people who have a deficiency and are supplemented with enough amount of folic acid have now new hair growth.
It can even be a randomized study, but actually that appears like far several restrictions in a study when the hair growth is obvious. It is very much difficult for a person to believe themselves having more hair, it’s surprising but well-designed studies in the people showing a folic acid deficiency and what happened with the supplementation are rare to find.
It is very much rare that a folic acid for hair growth deficiency is found in the body, but, people normally choose to take folic acid as a supplement, due to the fact that the natural folic acid that is in food might be damaged by a high temperature when the food is cooked. Folic acid is damaged by ultraviolet light as well and it is water-soluble.
Most of the people take folic acid supplements so as to boost the growth and condition of hair, skin and also the nails due to the fact that folic acid is needed for the creation as well as repair of the DNA, the coding of proteins as well as the synthesis of new cells and also the tissues. Folic acid deficiency can be able to compromise health of hair and skin and lead to several conditions like anemia, chronic diarrhea or a serious cognitive and also the neurological issues including the birth defects when a serious deficiency is maintained for a long term.
A lack of folic acid in diet is indicated to lead to poor hair growth and also hair loss. To prevent the hair loss, it is thus recommended that a daily dose of about 200mcg of folic acid be consumed by the women, while men are much able to tolerate a dose of 400mcg daily.
There is no upper limit that is indicated for the folic acid supplementation from the food, but, the upper daily limit for the pharmaceutical folic acid supplementation is normally 1000mcg. It is also very vital that enough amount of water is consumed together with the supplement of folic acid.
How Does Folic Acid Deficiency Affect Hair Growth?
The effects of folic acid deficiency are much similar to that of iron deficiency and low ferritin levels. When folic acid is very deficient in the body, then the structure of the red blood cells is affected and the structural change thus renders them unable to take an adequate amount of oxygen as well as the nutrients around the body.
This can cause anemia, but also the hair loss, due to the healthy blood cells are needed to transport the level of oxygen and also the nutrients that are needed to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) within the cells normally within the scalp. ATP is a nucleoside triphosphate which is used to carry the chemical energy around cells and plays a vital part in cell growth.
When the oxygen and also the nutrient levels are low, then the cells will need another source of energy so as to produce ATP, which might lead to an increase in the body’s production of the testosterone.
In this particular process testosterone becomes converted to dihydrotestosterone and this is indicated to lead to androgen-related hair loss. This clinical trial discusses the role of DHT amongst the male pattern baldness, also called the Androgenic Alopecia, in mice.
Low amounts of folic acid in the body leads to cellular processes to decline, which then slows down the rate of cell division and thus hinders the growth of the new cells, implying that new hairs are not manufactured fast enough to replace the hair strands which have broken or even fallen out, due to of cell damage. Chronic deficiency of the folic acid for hair growth cause the death of the hair cells.
Other important cells that are in the scalp are also affected by the folic acid deficiency, especially oil-secreting cells, which play a vital role in maintenance of the scalp health, and also papilla cells, which are involved in production of new hairs and regulation of the hair growth cycle.
A lack of folic acid might be a factor also leads to the megaloblastic anemia, which leads to a premature graying of hair because of the change brought within the red blood cells. Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) is a substance that is in folic acid that is sometimes taken as a supplement so as to reverse greying hair.
Results: folic acid hair growth before and after pictures
Here are before and after pictures collected from the internet showing the results of using folic acid supplements to help hair grow faster, thicker and healthier.

Further references
- Does Folic Acid Really Help Hair Growth:
- Does Folic Acid Stimulate Hair Growth:
- Top 19 Benefits Of Biotin & Folic Acid For Hair And Skin:
- How To Use Folic Acid For Hair Growth:
- Biotin Hair Growth:
- Essential Nutrients That Combat Hair Loss:
- Folic Acid Hair Growth:
Thanks for a very detailed post. There’s not a lot of information available on this subject. It’s nice to have everything in one place.