How to remove Ear Hair-Trimmers,Creams, Wax, Laser, Singeing & Natural Methods
Suffering from excessive inner or canal ear hair? Why is ear hair removal important? Read on to find out more in addition to both permanent and temporary ways to get rid ear mane such as trimming, use of creams, waxing, laser, singeing, natural home remedies, the best method and safety.
Why Inner/Canal Ear Hair Removal? Is it important to remove Hair from Ears?

Hair in ear is a problem that is encountered by men. You are likely to have this condition as a result of the aging process. This comes about due to perhaps hormonal imbalance during the aging process. The hair may grow randomly on various parts of the ear, or grow in bunches from the ear canal.
Excess tufts of hair in the ear can pose a great challenge when it comes to hearing and your general look or appearance. How this comes to be is that the hair attracts dirt and a lot of wax that cling on the hair and thereby blocking the auditory canal.
It is crucial to remove hair from the ears in case you have so much because:
- Excess hair portrays a poor and an unpleasant outlook
- Excess ear hair can lead to hearing problems as the hair attracts chaff and wax thereby blocking the auditory canal and therefore removal eliminates all these likelihoods.
- Excess hair could precipitate infection of the ear. Removal therefore reduces chances of infection. This is because microorganisms are likely to cling to the hairs and lead to infection
- Removal of hair from the ears promotes hygiene. This is because it part and parcel of the day to day grooming techniques.
Hair in Ear Canal-Heart Disease
One study established that there might be a link between the hair in your ear canal and your heart health. So, having hair in your ears isn’t all about, looks, hygiene or your forefathers’ genes. It may mean something else… a heart attack in future. Beware!
How to Remove Ear Hair-Choosing the Best Method
There are various methods that you could explore n order of rid yourself of inner ear or canal hair. The methods could range from the use of chemicals to other ways that involve apparatus of machines to conduct that. On the other hand, others are easy home remedies that provide a natural and effective way of handling this. Details on the methods following up shortly.
Above all, there are temporary and permanent solutions for removing unwanted/excess ear hair. The temporary solutions are the cheapest and include shaving with a safety razor or specialty electric model, using a small pair of scissors, chemical depilatories or waxing. Permanent solutions include electrolysis, which uses heated probes to cauterize the hair root, and laser therapy.
How should you go about choosing the best method?
- Consider the cost of the method you choose and resources and your disposal
- The amount of hair/ thickness of the hair in your ear
- The reactivity of your body to the method employed. For example, the use of creams may lead to allergic reactions by the body
- The pain associated with the technique. Some methods are very painful to undertake e.g. the waxing and plucking methods
- The level of expertise required. If you intend to carry out the procedure at home then you should choose others apart from others like lasers and electrolysis as they require an expert to carry out.
- The type of results you expect; does the method remove hair permanently, for a short time or long time?
- The time taken by the method to remove hair. Some methods take longer than others, yet achieve desirable results. Having methods that have long periods in dwelling in the ears is likely to cause discomfort as the ear is very sensitive.
- Injuries and damages-In case you are using methods like plucking, then you should use blunt-nosed or slanted tweezers in order to minimize the likelihoods of punctures in the ears.
Trimming- How-tos and Best Ear Hair Trimmers
This method is useful in the event that you want to avoid any kind of pain to the very sensitive and delicate ear canal. For the technique to be useful, there are scissors that are specifically shaped for snipping the ear. They have special blades to trim the hair inside the ear canals. The result of this procedure is not permanent but are very helpful as the process is painless.

All you need is the small grooming scissors to cut short the hairs in the ear. Hold the grooming scissors in one hand and use the magnifying lens or grooming mirror in the other to have a closer look at the hairs. Always avoid digging dip with the scissors as this would lead to more dangerous effects. Repeat the process if need be in order to attain better results.[1]
Pros and cons
The advantage of use of the trimmers as a method is that they help you to reach the inner hairs that you could otherwise have found it challenging to reach. The main disadvantage with this method is that when the trimmers are pressed hard against the surface of the ear, they will cause injury. In the long run, the injury could give room for infections by bacteria and other pathogens.
What are the best trimmers for this task?
The best trimmers on market that you could consider include:
- The Braun Exact Series ear and nose trimmer
- The Phillips Norcelo NT911/60 Precision nose and ear trimmer
- Lithium Ion Stainless steel All-in-one Groomer
Ear Hair Removal Creams and Depilatories
Depilatory is a term used to refer to a hair remover. It is normally a cream that contains chemical substances that function to dissolve the proteins in the hair. In order to benefit maximally, you need to apply the cream, wait for about 5 to 10 minutes and then wipe it off as the hair will follow.
Inasmuch as these creams work effectively, they at times burn if not used in the appropriate way. All in all, these creams perform a decent job when used well as the results last as long as several weeks to even a month.
How creams are used
Before using the cream, ensure that you place a cotton ball in your inner ear to prevent the hair removal cream from getting where it shouldn’t. The most essential component of the hair’s structure is a protein called Keratin, which makes up 65% – 95% of the hair’s total fiber by weight and it is this that forms the strength of your hair. The creams are made in a way that they target this component of the inner ear hair.
Pros and cons
- Pain Free
- Quick and Easy to use At Home
- Relatively Inexpensive
- Chemical Odour
- Possible Allergic Reactions
- Frequent Treatments Required
Best creams
- Nair face cream- It is one of the most well-known hair removal products. The cream is likely to cause effects to the ear if not monitored. This is due to its irritant effects that are likely.
- All clear hair removal cream-This is a cream that comes in 100g packages. It works within a very short time and prevents hair from re-growing.
- Veet hair removal cream
Waxing & Wax Strips for Ear Hair Removal
Waxing is a popular method of removing hair around and inside the ear canal. This method on the other hand works very well when dealing with hairs that protrude around the surface as you might not want to fill your inner ear with a lot of wax. You can wax and wax applicator sticks or a ready-to-use wax strip kit.
It is a better option compared to other methods like shaving because it removes hair starting from the roots. This therefore means that it keeps the hair at bay for weeks or months before it grows again. The only issue that comes with this method is the underlying pain. This is because hair is drawn directly from the roots.
How it is done
This procedure is mostly used in the outer surface of the ear i.e. the pinna by the use of kits with premade wax strips to avoid molten hot wax from any getting into your ear canal. In order to remove hair, block your ear canal using cotton wool as you begin to wax your hair on the pinna. This allows you to use your hair removal wax and a strip of cloth.
Below a video showing how it is done without the strips
Pros and cons
- It is relatively cheap
- It is not time consuming
- It can be easily used at home
- It is harder to learn how to use
- There is a likely risk of infection to the ear and canal damage
- It is at times painful
Laser Ear Hair Removal
This can be another alternative option to resort to. The hair removal is done in special salons by professionals. The beam of laser light used tends to destroy dark hair follicles and result in hairless skin. While this treatment does not guarantee permanency, you can expect some finer or lighter-colored hair growth. You should however be cautious and make sure you approach a trusted salon before undergoing this procedure.
How it is done
This involves the use of beams of concentrated light into the hair follicles. The pigments in the hair follicle absorb the light. This in return destroys the hair hence removing it permanently. Hair thinning and permanent results are achieved after several attempts of treatments.
Pros and Cons
- It has low risks of damage
- It is less painful than other methods
- Produces longer term results
- It is very expensive
- Angles of the ear make the process very difficult to undertake
Ear Hair Singeing (burning ear hair with a lighter)
Traditionally, this technique has been used as a hair sealant and to remove stray hairs. This method involves a lit taper or wand being brought into contact with the hair. The result is the excess is literally smoldered away. Trying this at home could have disastrous consequences, because of the burning effect that might abound. Always put in mind that styling products leave a highly flammable residue.
It is advantageous in that it is easy as it does not need so many tools to perform the procedure. Similarly, it removes hair from the hard to remove areas where typical mechanical tool cannot carry out this. Other methods would lead to the trimmed hair falling back into the ear but with singeing, the hair falls off away from the ear.[2]
How it is done
This is a technique that has been in existence for a long period of time now. It entails the use of a candle or a thin piece of wood that has an ember on the end in order to burn your hair mostly while still wet. This method is very common in Asia and Europe despite the existence of modern methods of hair removal.
Pros and cons
- It is very quick and easy to use
- Longer lasting results are achieved compared to shaving and trimming
- Reduced risk of infections
- Higher risk of injury compared to shaving
- Somehow terrifying
- Not widely used
Ear Hair Removal Electrolysis
This method involves very tiny needle being inserted into hair follicles and an electric current being run through the needle to burn the hair.
The angle of the ear canal makes it difficult for the needle to penetrate the follicles properly. However, a properly trained electrologist should find it easy dealing with this.
Because of the small size of the treatment area, electrolysis is one of the most popular methods of ear hair removal for those who want permanent hair removal. This method therefore achieves permanent solution and thus dependable[3]
How it is done
This is an FDA approved technique that works for any type of skin and hair colors. It involves use of electric current to destroy individual hair. This type of method is very costly and the time it takes to remove the hair depends on how thick your hair is.
pros and cons
- It achieves permanent results
- It is very effective i.e. has 100% effectiveness
- It is very expensive
- Requires a number of up to a year
- Can cause a lot of discomfort
- It requires a very efficient electrologist
Other Ear Hair Removal Tools and Methods
If you are courageous enough or if you undoubtedly have no reaction to the thought of violently jerking your ear hairs out by the roots one at a time, you could explore this option.
Unfortunately, it’s a very painful way of removing hair that does the job passably well. As long as you can see the ear hairs, you can pull them out. However, the fact that the hairs are by your ears is going to make it difficult to tweeze or pluck. In addition, there is a risk of infection in your ears.

This approach also takes courage and carefulness as it comes with a lot of pain associated with the process. This is because the hair is uprooted directly from the roots of the hair follicles. You should seek the services of a professional in the effort.
Home Remedies
Other approaches include the use of natural home remedies that could deal with this defect. They include:
Use lemon juice
You can use it on ear hair for the same effect as the one achieved in dying hair. Because of lemon juice’s bleaching quality, first it will lighten the ear hair. After continuous use, the acid in the juice which will end up destroying small hairs, preventing further growth. This method is a very simple method that requires only a lemon. To do so, simply squeeze juice out and apply it to your ear hair. This method will take some time, but it could be worth it to discourage more growth.
Use of a homemade, 2-ingredient papaya paste
This method is a little more involved than the use of lemon, but it is still a natural and even nourishing remedy for hair removal. Papayas have special enzymes in them that, similar to the lemon juice, stop hair growth in its tracks.
In order to create the paste, you will need a few tablespoons of ground up papaya pieces and a pinch of turmeric powder. Afterwards, mix these two ingredients together and apply to the hair. You can leave this mixture on for about 15 minutes and wash it off. For best results, do this method a few times a week. Like the lemon juice method, you will not see results immediately.
More Tools
Electric Razor
Most hair trimming razors cater can be used for ear hair removal as well. Most people would resort to tweezing out the strands but seemingly, they unintentionally cause damage to the ear canal. With an affordable range of razors available in the market, you can now effectively get rid of your ear hair. Make sure you don’t hold the razor too far into or too close to the skin.
You could also shave the hair closely:
After cutting your hair off, you can choose to shave it as close to the skin as possible. This facilitates clean looking ears and puts off the hair growth for some time. Lather your ear well and carefully shave the surface. Be careful enough with the shaving blade, so that you don’t cut yourself in the process.
What is the Best Ear Hair Removal Method?
You have already learnt the methods and some of the things you need to consider before choosing a method. The best method really depends on the kind of results you want.
That being said, you may still want to know the best method without being too strict on the results. According to experts, ear hair trimmers are the most effective and painless. The trimmers are pocket friendly and you will probably need no expert.
Permanent Ear Hair Removal at Home-Is it Possible?
The removal of hair from the ears permanently is very possible. This approach involves the use of laser machine or technology to implement. It requires involvement of a professional and a lot of investment as it is very costly.
Do not be fooled to carry out laser treatments at home. According to Dr. Terrence Keaney, a board Certified Dermatologist, “At home laser systems are not powerful enough to injure the cells that produce men’s thick hair” In return, they may increase your risk for unexpected and paradoxical hair growth.
Removing Ear Hair-Side Effects/Safety
What are the possible bad effects of removing ear hair?
According to WebMD, removal of hair using the laser technique is likely to pose the following side effects;
- The skin around the place where hair has been removed looks like it has been sunburned
- Using laser is likely to lead to skin blistering.
In the scenario where other methods are used, there is likelihood of damaging the inner ear as a result of plucking or pricking using very sharp objects. A lot care and caution ought to be taken. Other methods of ear hair removal may lead to infection of the ear. This is because in the course of removal, some pores might be left open giving room for infestation by microorganisms.
Sources & References