How to use Listerine to get rid of Dandruff Fast at Home
Did you know you can use Listerine for dandruff? Hair dandruff are very common in people of all ages. It is so common that over time no matter what you use, dandruff will keep coming back. Some treatments may work and get rid of the dandruff permanently, others will not. If you are tired of using common shampoos that seems not to be getting rid of the dandruff permanently, here is an insight on how to use Listerine I dandruff treatment.
Dandruff are produced by fungal and yeast infection. They occur in hair. They are basically small pieces of dead skin in a person’s hair. Some people may, however, experience an unusually large amount of flaking either chronically or as a result of a certain triggers. In such cases, the dandruff will often be accompanied by redness and irritation.

You can use Listerine mouth wash to get rid of dandruff. It reaches and kills pityrosporum ovale, which causes dandruff. It leaves your scalp cleaner, fresher, healthier!
What is Listerine for dandruff?
Listerine for dandruff, it is hard for some people to believe that Listerine (a brand of antiseptic mouthwash product) can be used to get rid of dandruff after trying out different shampoo and scalp cleaning cosmetics. It may sound strange, but they are fans who swear by it today. Majority of people who have tried using Listerine says that the mouthwash helps clear seborrheic dermatitis.
They say that Listerine can help soothe an inflamed and itchy scalp which leaves your scalp feeling healthier in general. The daily Mail UK published a story about Farah Dhukai, a blogger about her creative at home solutions for various beauty issue. The vlogger recommended using a popular mouthwash brand Listerine for eliminating troublesome dandruff.
Through a shot a video, Farah recommended using dilute original Listerine to get rid of dandruff on scalp fast. Listerine contains methanol, thymol, eucalyptol and methyl salicylate all which makes it an effective anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory all this are a perfect combination for getting rid of dandruff.
Apart from Farah, other beauty experts also agree that indeed Listerine can be used to get rid of dandruff. The methanol and eucalyptus contained in Listerine possess anti-fungal properties, which kills the yeast overgrowth that causes dandruff, Dr. Macrene Alexiades of the Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of New York told Daily Mail.
Dr. Macrene, however, warns that Listerine has a low likelihood to work long term or completely eradicate the problem. According to the doctor, “it is aesthetically displeasing in terms of the treatment itself and the smell. You are better off developing a realistic preventive regimen for long term success”
Causes of dandruff
Dandruff is a common scalp condition marked by flaking of the skin on the scalp. Dandruff are not contagious or serious they can, however, be embarrassing and difficult to treat. It can be controlled and manage at home by simply shampooing with a genital cleanser and some dilute Listerine mouth wash.
Here are some of the cause of dandruff:
- Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common cause of dandruff. Also known as seborrheic eczema, it is chronic, relapsing and usually a mild type of skin dermatitis. Dandruff is a type of seborrheic dermatitis where inflammation is not present.
- Failure to shampoo regularly
Failure to regularly shampoo your hair may lead to a buildup of oil and dead skin cells on the scalp. When the oil continues to pile and build up, they may cause you to have dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is often marked by red, greasy skin covered with white or yellow flaky scales. The condition may affect the scalp and other parts of your body rich in oil glands. This includes areas such as your eyebrow, the sides of your nose and the at the back of ears.
- Yeast like fungus on scalp
A yeast-like fungus known as Malassezia that lives on the scalp of most teenagers and adults. This fungus irritates the scalp and causes more skin cell to grow. The death of extra skin cells is what causes dandruff that appears white and flaky in your hair or on the scalp.
- Natural dry skin
With natural dry skin, the fakes are generally smaller and less oily than those from other causes of dandruff. In dry scalp, redness or inflammation is unlikely. Apart from the scalp, you are also likely to experience dry skin on legs and arms.
- Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by a substance that comes into contact with your skin. The rash is not contagious or life-threatening but it can surely be very uncomfortable. Contact dermatitis on the scalp can be caused by sensitive ingredients in hair care product.
Infectious dandruff
Dandruff can be blamed on a multiplicity of causes. Some of the causes will include dry skin, oily skin, washing your hair too much or not washing at all, diet, stress and anxiety and general body hygiene. Dermatologist and hair expert disagree with this, the real cause of dandruff is a yeast-like fungus known as Malassezia globose. This fungus lives in the scalp and feeds on the skin oil.
Dandruff is a shaded skin. Those who often suffer from dandruff are said to shade skin more rapidly than others. In this people, the fungus uses enzymes known as lipases to metabolize the oils, this creates a byproduct called oleic acid, it is this acid that penetrates the skin and triggers the shading of the skin cells.
A team of researchers at Procter & Gamble, the manufacturing company of head and shoulder anti-dandruff shampoo, once carryout out a research to try and identify the DNA sequence of the fungus and analyze the lipases tit produces. This investigation may lead to new permanent treatment for dandruff.
With that in mind, is it possible then to have infectious dandruff? Or do you think it is possible to get rid of itchiness and flaking with a mouthwash such as Listerine? It may come as a surprise to many people, but did you know the makers of the Listerine used to advertise the antiseptic mouthwash as a treatment for infectious dandruff.
To prove this, here is how one newspaper in 1930 offered the advertisement of Listerine:
“Here’s an easy way of getting rid of dandruff. When your scalp itches or burns, when your hair is dull and lifeless, and when you are bothered with loose dandruff, start using full strength Listerine on the hair and see how quickly you note improvement…Being a germicide capable of killing germs in 15 seconds, it readily takes care of any infection that may be present…LISTERINE: The Safe Antiseptic–Kills germs in 15 seconds.”
So does infectious dandruff really exist? For a long time now, dermatologist used to dismiss the idea of infectious dandruff. It is then that the FDA (food and drug agency- a federal agency of the United States department of health and human services) determined that the makers of Listerine could no longer advertise their mouthwash for the scalp.
For most teen and adult both males and females, the symptoms of dandruff are easy to spot. They would include the following:
- White, oily looking flakes of dead skin
- Itchy, scaly scalp
- Dry scalp
- Crusty scalp in some cases
Most of the cases of dandruff do not require treatment. If over the counter shampoo are not helping, then you will need to see your doctor, dermatologist, this is because you may have other skin condition such as seborrheic dermatitis.
How to use Listerine for dandruff treatment
Those who have used Listerine for dandruff treatment will agree with us that, of all the home cures for dandruff, one of the oldest and probably the best remedy is Listerine. Since the actual cause of dandruff is the overgrowth of yeast, fungus in your scalp, Listerine or any other mouthwash containing antifungal ingredients may really be effective in killing the fungal infection that causes dandruff.
According to Kilmer House, a blog sponsored by Johnson & Amp to educate the public about the company history. Listerine did not start as a mouthwash as we now know it today, back in 18779 it was developed as a surgical antiseptic and named after physician Sir joseph Lister who pioneered the concept of antiseptic surgery. In 1930, Listerine was used to treat dandruff.
Dermatologist and hair care experts say that the best treatment for dandruff are antifungal medications. This is because these medications prevent the yeast responsible for dandruff rather than treating the symptoms of dandruff (white dry flaky skin)
The best way to use Listerine for dandruff removal is to gently massage your scalp using the mouthwash. Somme people may choose to use baby oil and other essential oils to mix with Listerine and apply to the head to get rid of dandruff. There different ways you can use Listerine for dandruff and to relieve the itching.
Steps to take and precautions
To use Listerine for dandruff, here are the steps you need to follow:
- Before applying Listerine on your hair, thoroughly wash your hair. You need to do this with a high-quality shampoo and some lukewarm water. If you have a sensitive skin or your scalp is broken, you should not apply the Listerine.
- Remember to buy the original one (original-yellow tinged formula), the old and classic version are always the best so they say.
- If you want to treat dandruff and relieve itching in scalp, you need to use equals amount of water and Listerine (do not use undiluted Listerine)
- Into a mug of ½ full cup of water, add an equal amount of Listerine
- Gently mix to dilute the Listerine,
- Squeeze the excess water from your hair and apply the mixture gently on the scalp, massage to make sure it reaches all the parts of our scalp
- Leave it on for some minutes before rinsing your scalp with warm water
- Repeat this twice daily for a week
While applying the Listerine, till your head backward to protect your eyes.
For an even more effective remedy, you can mix Listerine with witch hazel. When applied together, witch hazel will help in soothing the scalp by reducing itching. Witch hazel is an astringent and contains anti-inflammatory properties that help provide fast relief from dandruff. Mix equal amount of Listerine with that of witch hazel. Then apply on the scalp to relieve the itching and get rid of dandruff.
Since dandruff relates to excessive dryness on the scalp, applying baby oil on the scalp may help moisturize it while treating dandruff with Listerine mouthwash.
Precaution, when using Listerine, do not use it on broken skin. Listerine is antiseptic and could burn broken skin. In case your scalp burns after applying Listerine, immediately rinse out using lukewarm water and a mild soap.
If you have wounds, ulcers or sores on your scalp, wait until they have completely healed then apply Listerine.
Do not use concentrated Listerine on dry itchy scalp. Dilute the Listerine with an equal amount of water then apply it on your scalp to reduce itching and get rid of dandruff.
Which Listerine is best for dandruff cure?
By now you realize that Listerine can be that miracle cure you have been yawning for to help treat dandruff and the itchy scalp. There different brands of Listerine available the market, the question in your mind now I presume should be which Listerine is best for dandruff cure? Should you use the blue, yellow or green brand Listerine?
Regardless of what Listerine you use (blue yellow or green), all Listerine brand contains menthol, thymol, and eucalyptol ad methyl salicylate. The combination of these ingredients contains antiseptic and antifungal properties, both of which are good for keeping the scalp in a great condition.
Methyl salicylate contains in Listerine has anti-inflammatory properties, that may soothe and cool the scalp whenever the Listerine is used on the scalp. The ingredients contain in Listerine may help to soothe and relieve an itching scalp.
The best Listerine to use for dandruff is ORIGINAL Listerine. Regardless of the color or packaging of the Listerine, at least all Listerine contain the same chemical combination. With all the ingredients stated. You can use Listerine in different ways. You can choose to apply the Listerine directly on your scalp without any other skin care product or use the solution as a final rinse after shampooing or conditioning.
How to use Listerine after shampooing or conditioning:
You will need to fast wash your hair/scalp with shampoo then dry it. You will need some Listerine in a cup let’s say a ¼ full cup, and 1 cup of clean water. A more concentrated solution of Listerine will be needed for itchy scalp. In cases of itchy scalp, equal part of water and Listerine mouthwash should be used
- Mix a ½ cup of Listerine with a ½ cup of water
- gently shake or stir to mix the two to achieve a fine mixture
- clean your scalp thoroughly, the dry with a towel
- Apply the diluted Listerine directly on the scalp. make sure you apply the mixture closer to the scalp as you can
- Your finger to make sure all the parts of your scalp are covered
- Leave it on for around 20 minutes then rinse it thoroughly
Some skin and hair care experts say that using the traditional orange colored Listerine will have the best result.
When using Listerine, you need to be careful. For those people with dry hair, extra care should be observed when using Listerine. This is because, in itself, Listerine has a drying effect. You wouldn’t wish to worsen an otherwise brittle or hair liable to snap. In such case, you will need to coat the end of your hair in a conditioner, this will ensure that the Listerine you apply only riches the scalp of your head, to relieve the itching and get rid of dandruff.
When using Listerine, you will also need to avoid applying it to the broken or very irritating parts of your scalp. This can be very painful, it may cause your scalp to sting.
1) How to use Listerine for dandruff:
2) Should you really use mouthwash to get rid of dandruff:
3) How to use a mouthwash to get rid of dandruff:
4) Using Listerine to cure infectious dandruff:
5) Using mouth wash to get rid of dandruff: