How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth, Benefits, Reviews and Pictures
Can rosemary oil be used for hair growth? The benefits of this oil on your hair include preventing baldness or hair loss, dry scalp treatment etc. Here, learn how to use rosemary essential oil to grow hair, see results, reviews and pictures.
Rosemary oil is a steam-distilled oil extracted from the rosemary flowering plant. It smells nice and can be applied on the scalp. “When applied over the scalp rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth.” Some studies have also shown that “it can prevent baldness, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp.” [Source – Draxe]. Here’s insight on how to use rosemary oil for hair growth, its benefits, reviews as well as some pictures.

Is rosemary essential oil good for hair growth?
Considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Egyptians and also the Hebrews, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is more than an aromatic herb that tastes so good on roasted lamb. It’s also one of the most powerful herbs and also the essential oils on the planet.
Rosemary oil has a reputation for stimulating of the hair growth and has been applied for centuries by most of the cultures for this purpose. Some also claim that rosemary oil is very incapable of stimulating hair growth, yet most of them continue to apply rosemary oil so as to prevent baldness and hair loss.
Rosemary has a woody, evergreen like the scent and is part of the mint family. In recent research, it’s been indicated to boost the nerve growth factor and also support the healing of the neurological tissue as well as the brain function.
Rosemary oil for hair growth is normally distilled from the leaves of the herb rosemary; it has a minty-balsamic aroma that is pleasing to most of the people. Rosemary is also related to lavender, peppermint, hyssop and most of other plants.
- Research lists some of rosemary oil’s properties as stimulating, a tonic, restorative, antiseptic, digestive, analgesic, antimicrobial and astringent.
Native to the Mediterranean, the wooded evergreen has been applied in folk medicine for several number of years to:
- Improve memory
- Soothe the digestive uses
- Relieve muscle aches as well the pains
More recently, it has also become a very popular ingredient in most of the skin and the hair care products because of its antiseptic properties and the researchers are starting to dig much deeper into its medicinal characteristics.
Does rosemary oil treat hair loss?
Of late, a surge in several types of hair loss treatment has been observed. Eyeing prevalent hair loss problems, companies are now introducing the hair loss control products or even treatments. But practically only few of the products really assist to control hair fall.
Thus, you should think twice before taking up any treatment or even buying a cosmetic product. Nevertheless, relying on the herbs can be the best thing to do to control hair fall.
Mother Nature has also gifted mankind a plethora of herbs that can be used for various health problems. Among them, rosemary is one such herb that is widely used for the treatment of the hair loss. Many of the people might be learning this for this time. And might not know how to apply rosemary oil for hair growth for the hair loss problem.
Hot Oil Treatment with Rosemary Essential Oil
Hot oil is an effective treatment for any kind of the hair problem. Whether it is dandruff, a very dry scalp or hair loss problem, hot oil treatment provides an instant relief. It assists to open the clogged pores of the scalp and also nourishes the roots.
- The stimulating effect of the rosemary works well when combined with a nourishing olive oil.
- The extra advantage of applying the combination is that it leaves the hair smooth, silky and very manageable.
- Take about 3 tablespoons of the olive oil and some five drops of the rosemary oil in a bowl. Mix them perfectly well.
Put the bowl on a vessel that has hot water. Once the oil warms up, use it on the scalp. Wrap a towel around you heat for a maximum effect. Then after about 30 minutes, you can rinse the hair. Repeat this procedure once or twice a week regularly so as to witness a real difference in the hair growth as well as hair fall.
Massage with Rosemary Essential Oil
Scalp massage helps to stimulate and rejuvenate hair follicles by increasing the blood circulation. Though using any ordinary oil for head massage assist to stop the hair fall, using of rosemary essential oil doubles the effect.
You just require to add a few drops of the essential oil into the regular carrier oil and massage the scalp as frequently as you usually do. The best time to have the hair massage is at night and then shampoo the hair the following morning.
Mix it up with Shampoo
Another convenient way to apply the use of rosemary for hair fall problem is along with the regular shampoo. You can also add the benefit of the rosemary to the shampoo by mixing of a drop of rosemary essential oil with four ounce of the shampoo.
Rub the mixture onto the scalp for a few minutes and then wash off using water. You can also add the goodness of the rosemary to the conditioner. You can even apply a blend of lavender or peppermint oil with the rosemary essential oil mixed with the shampoo or conditioner.
Rosemary Hair Rinse
If you don’t like mixing essential oil with shampoo or even the conditioner then you can apply rosemary hair rinse. It is very easy to make a hair rinse at home. Take about 5 tablespoons of rosemary dried leaves in a bowel of water. Boil it for a few hours so as to prepare an infusion. Once the liquid cools down, then you can strain it and mix it using tap water and rinse the hair with the liquid after shampoo.
And if you don’t have much time to prepare a rinse then just apply the rosemary tea bags. Take 2 rosemary tea bags, steep them in very hot water for a few minutes. Use the water as a rinse after shampoo or even conditioning. This rinse assists to stimulate the hair follicles as well as nourishes the hair shaft that is imparting extra shine and the softness to it.
Rosemary Green Tea
Topical treatment works perfectly well when you club it with furnishing the body using healthy food. As most of the time, the hair fall problem arises because of the poor diet and even unhealthy food habits. So, you have to keep a watch over the diet along with the treatments.
If the body has a deficiency of any nutrients then no treatment will work until you provide the body the much needed nutrition. Along with taking of the nutritious diet, try the use of green tea. Green tea is a storehouse of the antioxidant that fights against free radicals. Free radicals have much damaging effect on the skin and also the hair.
It would be more fruitful if you chose to drink the rosemary green tea. Rosemary green tea is much available in the superstores or herbal stores. Just steep the tea bags for about 3 minutes in the hot water. Get rid of the tea bags and take the sip along with the goodness of the rosemary herb.
Benefits of rosemary oil for hair
There are a several number of benefits to adding of the rosemary into the daily or even the weekly hair routine. Not only can you see the shiner, healthier hair, but also with the periodic use of rosemary infused treatments, you may see the hair growing at a rapid rate.
As an anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, rosemary might enhance the overall health of the scalp for healthy hair that is very strong and beautiful.
When used over the scalp rosemary oil for hair growth, essential oil assists to stimulate hair healthier. Most of the people also claim that it can prevent the baldness, slows down graying, and can be applied to treat dandruff and also the dry scalp.
After testing of the hair lotion that they patented, the researchers found that a mixture of hops, the rosemary, and swertia and also some pretty remarkable results:
- A 22.4% increases in the new hair growth.
- An increase in a very rapid hair growth.
- An increase in the microcirculation of the scalp that promotes healing.
- An improvement in the ability of the hair to resist a traction.
- A decrease in the hair loss after shampooing.
- -Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging the hair growth
- -Due to its antibacterial propertty it gently cleanses hair
- -Increases the hair shine
- -Fights the premature graying
- -Relieves an irritated, dry, flaky, dandruff ridden scalps
How to use rosemary oil for hair growth
There are several ways that rosemary oil can be applied on the hair, and when each is applied consistently, it can assist to stimulate hair growth. Whether it is in a deep treatment or even a daily spritz, rosemary is a very diverse essential oil that can be applied in a number of ways.
1. Rosemary Oil Hot Treatment
Doing a hot oil treatment on the hair can be able to allow the nutrients to penetrate deeply into the hair follicle, thus locking in all the benefits for a shiny, beautiful hair. To do a rosemary hot oil treatment, you’ll also require coconut oil and castor oil.
Take about two teaspoons of both the coconut oil and the castor oil and then heat until they are melted together. Then add a few drops of the rosemary essential oil.
While the oil is still very hot, massage the mixture into the hair, working from the scalp down. Be much careful that the oil is cooled to handle, as the hot oil treatment shouldn’t burn you or even lead to pain. Leave the oil to soak into the hair for about 15 minutes, then shampoo as usual.
This treatment can be done every few days or even once a week, depending on the hair type and the results that you are looking for.
2. Daily Rosemary Oil Leave-in Conditioner
If you’d like the benefits of the rosemary oil every day, consider making this leave-in conditioner. Start with 1 cup of coconut oil in a very clean, empty jar. Then add in about 30 drops of your rosemary essential oil.
After showering, while the hair is still wet, take a bit of the oil mixture and then rub it through the hair. Be careful not to apply too much, as a lot of rosemary oil for hair growth can however make the hair appear greasy.
3. Weekly Rosemary Oil Overnight Treatment
For a truly deep conditioning experience, try out the rosemary oil overnight treatment. To start with, mix together about 3 teaspoons of coconut oil with about 1 teaspoon of honey. Next, add a few drops of the rosemary into the mixture.
Coat the hair in the mixture, starting with the ends of the hair and working the way to the scalp. Once everything is very covered, pop on a shower cap and then go to sleep. In the morning, shower the treatment away and then reveal beautiful hair.
4. Rosemary oil recipe for hair growth
“What You Need:
- Grapeseed oil – 2 tablespoons
- Castor oil – 2 tablespoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Lavender essential oil – 3 drops
- Ylang ylang essential oil – 2 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up base oils a little.
- Add few drops of each essential oil.
- Mix well. Apply the resulting mask on the scalp and spread it over the hair length.
- Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
- Wash off with an organic shampoo.”
(Recipe adapted from NatureHelps)
There are a several components of the rosemary oil that can indicate why it is applied to combat hair loss or what gives it the power to promote the hair growth.
In most of the cases, the rosemary oil is able to replenish the lost nutrients or fight infections that can cause the hair to fall out at the scalp. Using of the rosemary oil allows you to address the root problem if why the hair isn’t growing so that you can experience a healthy, beautiful hair.
Here are just some of the reasons why rosemary oil can assist with growing your hair fast.
Rosemary is an antioxidant
Because rosemary is an antioxidant, it can assist to fight free radical damage that may be contributing to the hair loss or even a stunt in growth.
Free radicals can also appear if you are constantly applying chemical treatments on the hair or from the environmental factors, like pollution. Rosemary can assist to combat these free radicals for faster hair growth.
Rosemary is a stimulant
When rosemary is used to the scalp, it can assist to stimulate the root of the hair follicles and also promote faster growth. Rosemary as well boosts the blood circulation mostly at the scalp, so with a very rigorous flow of blood towards the root of the hair, the hair can grow very quickly.
Rosemary fights oiliness
It may appear strange that an oil can actually make the hair to be less oily, but rosemary can cut through the oiliness of the hair so as to allow for a cleaner and very healthy scalp.
If the scalp becomes clogged with oil or dirt, it can create a plug that will stop the hair from growing. When you introduce rosemary into the routine, you can keep a clear the scalp that allows the hair to grow freely.
Rosemary is anti-inflammatory
Inflammation of the scalp may not be obvious, but it is pretty common. When the scalp is much inflamed, it is normally due to poor diet or poor circulation. An inflamed scalp may also stop the hair from growing or even push it to begin falling out.
Rosemary oil for hair growth can reduce inflammation so as to promote hair growth and also stop hair loss.
How to use essential rosemary oil for hair loss
Although it’s not very clear how rosemary works for the hair loss, using it to the scalp normally increases blood circulation. Here are several options on how you can use rosemary oil for hair growth:
1. Daily Shampooing
For nourishing the hair on a daily basis, then add rosemary essential oil to the shampoo or even conditioner. Use about 12 drops of oil for every ounce of the shampoo or conditioner.
Alternatively you can apply the herb itself. Place about 1 qt. of distilled water in a very large saucepan. Bring the water to a boil and then stir about 2 large handfuls of the dried rosemary leaves into the boiling water (if you apply fresh rosemary you require to double the amount of herb as dried herb is much more concentrated).
Turn off the heat to allow the rosemary to steep in the water for at about 5 hours. Pour the rosemary infusion into a very dark-colored glass jar and then store it in the refrigerator.
Apply the rosemary infusion so as to make basic rosemary oil for hair growth by mixing ¼ of the cup of the infusion with about 1 cup of liquid Castile soap.
2. Daily Massage
For a daily massage that can stimulate new growth, add about 4 drops of the rosemary oil to one tablespoon of the carrier oil like jojoba oil. Rub into the scalp for a few minutes and then leave for at about 30 minutes. You can also combine it using peppermint essential oil (which might also promote hair growth).
3. Hot Oil Treatment Once a Week
For at least once a week use a hot oil treatment for the hair and scalp. Mix a few tablespoons of the carrier oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil (about 4 drops of the rosemary oil to one tablespoon of the carrier oil) in a small glass jar that may be sealed. Place the jar in a bowl of very hot water until the oil is much warm.
Gradually massage the entire amount using the fingertips into the dry scalp for several minutes. Make sure to use a little blend down the length of the hair until the ends. Wrap the hair using plastic wrap or even plastic shower cap, and then cover it using a very warm damp towel.
Replace it with another warm towel once the first one has completely cooled. Leave the blend for at about 45. You can stay with it overnight, and if you do this, get rid of the plastic wrap and sleep with a dry towel on the pillow to absorb the oil.
Then rinse and then lightly shampoo the hair with a chemical free shampoo. Follow using conditioner if you want.
Rosemary oil for hair growth reviews
“I bought this oil after reading its properties that promote hair growth. I put some in my conditioner and not only did I notice an aromatic fragrance, but the bald patches I had in my head have almost all gone away. My hair has grown back in the areas where there were none and the rest of my hair growth seems to have improved.” – Amazon
“I love using rosemary essential oil on my scalp and ends to repair damage and encourage faster hair growth. I’ve been using it for two months already and noticed certain results. Usually, my hair grows at 1/4 inch per month but it has grown an inch in the past two.” – Fischer, NatureHelps
- To use the rosemary oil in hair care, add some rosemary oil to the shampoos, hair conditioners, oils and lotions.
- Rosemary oil for hair growth can also be used in the mediums so as to wash and condition hair, or even rubbed into the scalp on a regular basis so as to stimulate hair growth.
- Combine the rosemary oil with other beneficial essential oils like tea tree to treat other scalp problems, or even replace with other hair-growth stimulants like cypress, lemon or sage essential oils.
- Do not apply the rosemary oil during pregnancy or if you suffer from any epilepsy or even high blood pressure.
These conditions notwithstanding, rosemary oil is normally considered non-sensitizing and non-toxic. Always dilute the rosemary oil in a carrier base, like shampoo, hair conditioner or lotion before applying. If necessary, then consult a qualified aromatherapist or any other qualified individual for further advice on the application of rosemary oil for hair growth.
In today’s period of dust and pollution, everyone is much experiencing hazardous consequences on the hair and skin, even when we take care in several ways.
But, we tend to forget that the sun and also the pollution can make the skin and the hair to be prone and much vulnerable to damage.
Even hair oils as well as shampoos that are found in the market are chemicals that make things worse. Hence all we can do is to apply the natural alternatives that boost the hair growth and then shun hair fall.
Long before the introduction of several shampoos and conditioners, beauties used to search their gardens and the fields to find various herbs that solved their beauty problems. Be it premature balding, hair loss or even dull tresses, there is a herb that is naturally available that meets every demand.
With the development of science, people have become very lazy to find simple and also natural solutions for the hair problems. Instead, they resort to man-made toxins and also chemicals that can make things much worse.
It is very high time that we realize the relevance of nature; and that nature has the remedy for every other human ailment and problem.
One such commonly found garden herb that can provide a beautiful long hair without any of the side effects is Rosemary. Yes, Rosemary herb is known as a remedy for its several health benefits.
Hair growth results and pictures
Rosemary has ursolic acid that assists to increase the scalp circulation – this implies more oxygen and nutrients will be sent straight to the hair follicles, and that in-turn increases healthy hair growth. This aromatic herb is known to darken gray and also slow the appearance of the grey hairs.
Due to its high antioxidant property, it scavenges the free radicals and also the hydrogen peroxide, which are responsible for the greying and hair thinning. Rosemary also revitalizes the hair, gets rid of the product build up to leave the hair shiny and soft.
This wonderful herb normally offers strong antimicrobial, and antiseptic effects. Plus it’s indicating promise against the candida albicans – a type of yeast which leads to the dandruff. And therefore it’s a useful home remedy for the treatment of the dandruff and scalp irritation.
Rosemary is not only safe to use but also assists to treat various conditions, like increasing menstrual flow, supporting circulatory as well as nervous systems, relieving muscle pain along with improving muscle spasms.
Rosemary oil is a natural solution for most of the hair problems. From prevention of unexplained hair fall to repairing of the hair health, rosemary addresses of them. This nutrient-rich oil makes a competent food for the scalp and also hair. Using this oil assists stimulating of the blood circulation that in turn assists in hair growth.
Further references
- How Does Rosemary Help In Hair Growth?:
- Rosemary Oil For Stimulating Hair Regrowth:
- Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits:
- 5 Ways To Use Rosemary For Treating Hair Loss:
- The Amazing Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth:
- Rosemary Oil & Hair Growth:
Your article is well detail and I really enjoy reading it, I have androgenia alopeica and was wondering what to use. I will try rosemary oil and see the result.
I wish to ask something but before expressing my doubt I wish to assure you that I am sober. Could you please tell me is it possible to use this rosemary oil -without negative health issues- for roasting ribs if a need arises? This might be of vital importance in the event if on Saturday evening after a beer (one, of course, and of really small size) I would have begun cooking and the olive oil would be soon ran out. I am expecting your opinionated answer in due time. Thank you.