Emu Oil for Hair, Growth, Loss after Months, Results & Benefits
Emu oil is among the countless home remedies that are thought promote hair growth. Read on to find how this oil does work for hair loss, benefits, how to use recipes, reviews and before after results.
Emu Oil for Hair-Does it work?
Over time, studies have shown that people of all ages are likely to experience hair loss. Statistics show that approximately 80 million males and females in the United States are faced with hereditary hair loss. In attempt to stimulate hair growth, many home remedies and natural oils have been tested and found to offer satisfactory results. Among the natural oils that promote hair growth is emu oil.
How does it work?
Emu oil is oil obtained from a flightless bird whose origin is Australia. The bird is closely related to ostrich. It is referred to as emu and hence the name of the oil obtained from it is referred to as emu oil.

The oil is semi-solid oil which is also creamy and melts when applied on the scalp. This oil is found at the bird’s back. You can only obtain the oil from emu when the bird is butchered for its red meat.
The meat from Emu is highly demanded and that means there is a great opportunity for extraction of emu oil. When the pad of fat is obtained from the bird’s back, it is cleaned then refrigerated.
The pads collected are then melted so as to become oil. The oil is processed for the purpose of filtering, refining and sterilizing it. Since correctly refined oil from emu is odorless, it is sometimes deodorized.
Emu oil is made up of 5% natural fatty acids. 70% of these fatty acids are unsaturated. The abundance of essential fatty acids in emu oil explains the ability of this oil to boost the health of your hair. One of these fatty acids is oleic acid which makes penetration of the oil into your scalp efficient.
Emu oil has been tested and found to be very useful for the hair. It not only promotes hair growth but it also rescues you from the problem of hair loss. There ingredients that make up emu oil make it excellent for hair use.
Studies supporting emu oil for hair use
There are many studies related to emu oil for hair that support its excellence. An article published in the daily mail in UK 2009 talks about study done successfully regarding use of emu oil for baldness. The test was done by asking some volunteers with baldness to apply emu oil. The results were positive with hair regrowth being realized by the 6 month.
In addition to that, Drug and Cosmetic Industry Magazine in 1996 published an article by Professor Michael Hollick, M.D., Ph.D., Boston University School of medicine; which was in support of emu oil for hair. The article stated that emu oil was good for not only your skin but also for growth of your hair.
Professor Michael Hollick also carried an investigation to find out if emu oil was a good option for reviving lost hair. Compared to scalp treated using corn oil, the professor found that emu oil led to increase in hair growth by 20%.
Dr. Margaret C. Craig-Schmidt, an associate professor Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Aubum University, explains that emu oil easily penetrates your scalp making it easy for hair to grow. Dr. Margaret gives credit to oleic acid in emu oil stating that it is responsible for the ease of penetration of the oil.
Further studies showed that, participants who massaged emu oil on their scalp experienced 8% hair regrowth within a month and 48% regrowth in about six months. These studies are evidence that emu oil is good for your hair and it won’t disappoint.
Apart from that, a group that carried out research on male pattern baldness (MPB) found that, emu oil ensured consistent regrowth of hair. This group also stated that emu oil enhanced growth of frontal hair. The oil also ensures that the existing frontal hair is retained.
Emu oil for hair loss after 3 months effects
Among the leading causes of hair loss are hormonal changes, aging, family predisposition and scalp inflammation. In most cases, however, hair loss occurs as a result of hair degradation. Both males and females in the current world are prone to the problem of hair loss.
Whatever the cause of hair loss is, emu oil is a remedy that revives your hair growth in as short as 3 months. Emu oil restores damaged hair follicles. Once you apply this oil on your scalp, you will experience a faster growth of your hair.
Hair loss may be a continuous process for some people. This means that you may lose your hair over a long period of time. Emu oil not only stops such stubborn hair loss but it also ensures regrowth of the lost hair.
For emu oil to treat your hair loss within the shortest period possible, you are advised to apply the oil on your scalp as soon as you notice the first incident of hair loss. It works best when your scalp is not damaged totally. When your scalp is completely damaged, emu oil may not be able to restore your lost hair.
The oil has soothing effects on inflamed parts of your scalp. When your scalp is inflamed, it leads to scarce growth of hair. With its anti-inflammatory properties, emu oil ensures growth of hair is consistent on your scalp.
Benefits & Uses-How is emu oil good for your hair & what does it do?
Emu oil has amazing properties which explain its excellence when used for your hair. These properties explaining why emu oil is beneficial for your hair are as follows;
It has anti-inflammatory properties
This property is useful especially in the case of men who experience balding. Emu oil’s anti-inflammatory properties enable it to inhibit male balding. This is by inhibiting an inflammatory cytokine; tumor necrosis, which is associated with male pattern balding.
When topically applied, emu oil acts as a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor in target tissues. This significantly contributes to properties of hair growth.
It is a good emulsifier
This property means that emu oil blends very well with water to form a cream that when applied on the scalp, it does not feel oily on the scalp. Emu oil penetrates the scalp very well without leaving any residue behind. This further confirms that the oil is well absorbed in your scalp.
Emu oil is a non-irritant
When applied on the scalp, emu oil causes no irritation at all. A non-profit agricultural organization which focuses on the Emu industry, American Emu association, found out that emu is non-irritating. This makes emu oil very friendly to the scalp unlike other oils meant for hair growth.
This means that emu oil does not clog your pores. Some oils when applied on the scalp clog your pores making it difficult for proper air circulation on your scalp. Clogged pores also lead to pimples which may hinder hair growth. Emu oil is therefore one of the safest oils for use on the scalp.
Moisturizing properties
Emu oil is a good moisturizer. For hair growth to be effective, the scalp needs to be well moisturized. Emu oil holds moisture on your scalp creating a conducive environment for hair growth. Dryness of the scalp is associated with flaking of the scalp and sometimes folliculitis. All these consequences of a no-moisturized scalp hinder proper hair growth.
Anti –aging factor
One of the reasons you experience hair loss is aging. During the aging periods of your scalp, the hair follicles are said to go to sleep. Emu oil was found to wake such sleeping hair follicles and as such promoting hair regrowth.[1]
How to use Emu Oil for Hair Loss, Regrowth & Thinning
A recipe for hair thickening
Emu oil is found to be a viable serum since it is thick and creamy at room temperature. This serum which is responsible for hair thickening stimulates hair growth.
- ¼ cup emu oil
- Pour a small amount of the oil on your fingers and apply it throughout your hair ensuring you reach out for the hair roots.
- For effective results, repeat the procedure at least three times a week for duration of 6 months.
Recipes with other oils
Emu oil and castor oil for hair regrowth

In the case where you wish to use emu oil for hair moisturizing, you are advised to use it together with castor oil as it boosts the strength of the oil to retain moisture on the scalp. The recipe will be as follows;
- 1/3 cup of Emu oil
- 1/3 cup of Castor oil
- Make a mixture of castor oil and emu oil in a jar
- Shake the mixture until the two oils blend well
- Apply the oil mixture on the scalp. It offers you scalp moisturizing properties leaving the moisture well sealed on your scalp.
Emu oil with other oils
Emu oil with coconut oil
In the case where you wish to stimulate hair growth, you are advised to massage a mixture of emu oil and coconut oil on your scalp.

Below is the recipe on how to go about it;
- ¼ cup coconut oil
- ¼ cup emu oil
- Make a mixture of coconut oil and emu oil in a jar
- Heat two teaspoons of the mixture gently
- Apply the hot oil on your hair for about two minutes. Ensure the oil is not too hot for the scalp.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap to allow the oil to work. Leave the oil on the scalp for about fifteen minutes.
- Wash off your scalp with water.
Emu oil with tea tree oil and olive oil
Another recipe that has been found to be excellent especially for hot oil treatment is the mixture of tea tree oil, olive oil and emu oil. The three oils have powerful properties that protect your hair and give it a chance to grow at a faster rate. The recipe is as given below.
- Emu oil (1 part)
- Olive oil (1 part)
- 6 drops of tea tree oil
- Lightly mist your hair then spray it with the mixture. Ensure the oils reach the scalp as well.
- Put on a plastic cap meant for conditioning for roughly 30 minutes.
- Rinse your hair with your normal shampoo and conditioner.[2]
Emu Oil for Hair Growth Results, Reviews & Testimonials
Results and testimonials
As already discussed above, most research findings confirmed that emu oil is effective when used for both hair growth and for treating hair loss. The consistency with which you apply the oil determines how so you realize the results of using the oil. These results have been confirmed further by customers who have used the product as discussed below.
Anna, Australia
Ann explains that she applies emu oil on her hair at night and rinses it off in the morning using tea tree oil shampoo. She explains that, emu oil results to no itching and it puts an end shedding of hair. Anna further states that this oil has made her hair stronger than it was previously. She however advises that you must be patient when you use this oil if you are to achieve your goals of thick hair.
Lillian Cabrera, 18th May, 2015
Lillian explains that her hair was getting very thin at the top then she decided to try emu oil. Luckily, the oil did not disappoint her since in a month’s time; her hair was already growing back.
Sandra, 1st September, 2011
Sandra praises emu oil for its ability to moisturize her hair all day. She says she used it with her leave-in conditioner and the results were amazing since her scalp moisture is no longer an issue. [3]
Reviews-which is the best?
From customer reviews, pure emu oil seems to be the best since it offers benefits in its most natural form and hence not exposing your scalp to any undesirable effects. 100% pure emu oil will offer more benefits as compared to non-pure emu oil. Some of the reviews are discussed below;
Serena S.,27th January, 2010
Serena states that, when emu oil comes in its natural and 100% organic form, it offers numerous benefits. Serena says that it is good for dry hair, dry skin and even for her dog’s skin.
ClassyChick, 7th December, 2012
ClassyChick sates that pure emu oil transformed her hair in three weeks and she encourages that the product should continue being availed in the market. [4]
[1] http://www.hairloss-research.org/EmuOilfrontalregrowth.html
[2] http://www.rockitnapptural.com/2016/08/emu-oil-benefits-natural-hair.html
[3] https://www.amazon.com/Folligen-Emu-Oil-Healthy-Hair/dp/B004IAITR4
[4] https://www.amazon.com/Australian-Gold-Emu-Oil-Pure/product-reviews/B00362J7YE